
President Reagan famously said, “the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government and I’m here to help”. It is time for President Trump to learn this wisdom. Along with Speaker Pelosi, Senator Sanders, and Representative Ocasio-Cortez, President Trump seems to believe that giving the government the authority to impose price controls on medicines will help patients. And, following the signing ceremony on Friday, he is now officially trying to make government price controls a reality. Of...

It’s not often that Joe Biden agrees with President Trump. But the former vice president found common ground with his presumptive opponent this month when he announced he would outline a plan to bring medical manufacturing back to the United States, something the president has long endorsed. This isn’t the first time political opponents have come together to support “Buy America” plans. Late last month, Sens. Marco Rubio, Florida Republican, and Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Democrat, introduced several bills designed to increase...

Despite the surge of new cases of COVID-19, increases in the percentage of positive tests, and scores of ICUs at or near capacity, some commentators are still saying things like, “The so-called surge in cases is more fake news pushed by media cheerleaders eager to destroy the U.S. economy and culture if it makes Trump a one-term president,” and “in fact, our pandemic nightmare might well be coming to an end.” They and others emphasize that the daily number of Covid-19...

Dr. Henry Miller talks about new symptoms showing up in those infected with COVID-19, some of which are different than the initial ones noticed at the start of the pandemic. Miller explains the findings come from different studies, including an Italian study that showed many continuing symptoms after the coronavirus pandemic passed. Lars Larson National Podcast · Lars Larson National Podcast 07-21-20...

The John Batchelor Show interviews Dr. Henry Miller to talk about the latest debate around wearing masks, social distancing, and when we can expect testing to peak and decline. Miller and Batchelor also talk about those who may have the coronavirus who are undetected, and how many Americans are truly undetected in relation to testing. ...

It’s good news that the death rate from Covid-19 has trended dramatically downward since April, even as the number of new cases is surging. But it’s far from the whole story. Unlike common colds caused by other coronaviruses, Covid-19 is more than a transient, self-limited respiratory infection. There have been numerous reports of nonrespiratory manifestations, including loss of smell or taste, confusion and cognitive impairments, fainting, sudden muscle weakness or paralysis, seizures, ischemic strokes, kidney damage, abnormal blood-coagulation tests, transmission to...

PRI senior fellow in health care studies Dr. Henry Miller joins "Next Round with PRI" to give an update on what scientists are learning about COVID-19 and the progress in finding a vaccine. He also weighs in on whether schools should be reopening this fall, gives his thoughts on what the Trump administration is doing good and bad in fighting the pandemic, and offers advices on how we can reduce our chances of getting the coronavirus.

The pharmaceutical industry has responded to the Covid-19 pandemic with, arguably, the greatest surge in drug innovation in history. Consider that Remdesivir (produced by Gilead) has already received an emergency use authorization by the FDA for Covid-19. Losmapimod (produced by Fulcrum) is another promising treatment for Covid-19 that is in Phase III trials. And, these are just two of the many treatments that are showing great potential for patients. There are also multiple vaccines that are advancing at light speed while still maintaining the necessary safety protocols....

The Professor and Pete go to the movies to learn why there is a drug affordability problem. After watching a scary thriller about list prices and net prices, an adventure on the prescription escalator, and a movie on biosimilars, they learn that a) specific patient populations are impacted by the drug affordability problem; and b) these issues can be fixed with targeted reforms to achieve innovation and affordability....

Miller talks with Lars Larson on the stategy to quarantine travelers from other states. New York recently moved to quarantine anyone visiting for at least two weeks. Miller points out that the logistics are difficult as the guidelines are different for those arriving by plane, train, or car, which could be as many as 120,000 people. Dr. Miller's segment begins at the 47-minute mark. Lars Larson National Podcast · Lars Larson National Podcast 07-14-20...

The COVID-19 trends in the United States are moving in the wrong direction. More than 4,200 deaths occurred during the week of July 5th, and the highest number of new infections in a single day—more than 66,000—was reported on July 10th. As the numbers of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths surge to record levels in multiple epicenters, local and state officials are struggling with whether and how much to reverse the rollback of restrictions on individuals and businesses. For example, following a gradual reopening...

Sally C. Pipes joined JT Nysewamder on Alabama Morning News in Birmingham to talk about the latest developments with the drug remdisivir. The drug, produced by Gilead, is being studied for potential use against COVID-19. Pipes and JT also discuss the cost of the drug, and how expensive it is to bring drugs to market in the United States. Listen to the interview here. ...

More than eight in 10 Americans fear a second wave of the coronavirus outbreak, according to recent polling from Ipsos. Some cities and states have halted efforts to reopen their economies, in response to rising case counts. But there’s no reason to be fearful. We now have enough information about the coronavirus and its impact to continue reopening safely. If we put this knowledge to good use, we can craft policies that protect the most vulnerable while allowing those for whom the virus poses...

It's clear from what people are posting on social media, and the questions they've submitted to Town Hall Q&As, that many are still unclear as to how the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is transmitted, and what can be done to avoid it. The operative concept can be summarized in a single phrase: minimize the probability. Let's take a weather-related example as an analogy. Say it's sleeting, the temperature is 30 degrees, and the precipitation is forming a solid ice sheet as it...

Dr. Henry Miller joins the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show to talk about the latest changes in the coronavirus, or COVID-19, including the developments in the American southwest including steps the public can take to stop the spread of coronavirus and the dwindling number of hospital beds. Miller talks about why COVID-19 could be surging in some parts of the country and recent studies about the most common risks with the coronavirus. Larson and Miller also discuss examples from other countries...

The COVID-19 crisis has tested America’s health care system like no other event in recent memory. One irony during this pandemic is that America has actually experienced the promise of health care innovation in an important way, namely through telehealth. Telehealth allows patients to talk with their doctors online using videoconferencing platforms. Doctors can see patients, discuss their symptoms, order tests, and even prescribe medication. Earlier this spring, as the coronavirus was becoming a serious problem across the country, Congress temporarily suspended regulations...

PRI's Dr. Henry Miller joins the John Batchelor Show to review the latest developments with the vaccine guidelines and the FDA. The FDA recently testified before Congress that they will have complicated guidelines for a potential COVID-19 vaccine. Miller mentioned that the FDA guidelines are reassuring as it indicates that future vaccines will be vetted like any other vaccine evaluation (pre-critical data, manufacturing and controls, and clinical data). The FDA does have an elevated approval process for a drug that treats...

By: Henry Miller, M.S., M.D., and Shiv Sharma, DDS As the nation slowly emerges from lockdown, we’re beginning to appreciate the full impact of the pandemic and that the sickness and death directly caused by the virus are only part of the picture. The three-month-plus suspension of routine, non-emergency medical care has created secondary, silent epidemics of untreated medical issues that require the urgent focus of both our public health officials and the public themselves. They include domestic violence and likely increases...