MarketWatch Features Dr. Henry Miller Comments on COVID-19 Vaccine Trials

MarketWatch Features Dr. Henry Miller Comments on COVID-19 Vaccine Trials

Title: Here’s what you need to know about clinical trials as drug makers push forward with coronavirus vaccine studies
By: Jaimy Lee

Whether you’re new to investing in pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies or simply paying close attention to the race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, questions may have occurred about how clinical trials work — here’s what you need to know to understand the process.

The first thing is that we’ve never seen vaccines developed as quickly as what is happening right now. It took a year and a half to develop a Zika vaccine, four years for a mumps vaccine, and 10 years for a flu vaccine. . .

. . .It’s common for phases to overlap, said Dr. Henry Miller, a former FDA official. “Phase 1 merges almost imperceptibly into Phase 2 very often,” he said. . .

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